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Indonesia Land: Agustus 2009

Indonesia Land

Agustus 31, 2009

Runduma Island, Turtle Paradise

Runduma is a paradise for sea turtles. So called because at this white sand island, turtles breed freely forming colonies, without any human interference. Island in the Banda Sea and including the Wakatobi region of Southeast Sulawesi Province was in fact not the uninhabited islands. There was 140 heads of families residing in the island was a very loving nature and their island, so the turtle feel safe living side by side.

Coral reefs in the Banda Sea water is also still alive. Runduma Villagers, District Tomia appreciate life and the marine biota is keeping coral reefs in the region. They never spoil, because the coral reef for them as "mother", who gives life. They catch fish just by using conventional tools, such as trawl and nets only.

They refused to use modern tools let alone fish bombing which can damage coral reefs. They understand the coral reef is home to marine biota biaknya developed, especially fish and turtles. If the destroyed reef fish and turtles will not be there anymore.

Special turtle, on the island there Runduma small island completely uninhabited. On the island without a name, let the people Runduma turtle-turtle lay eggs.

To oversee breeding turtles, superintendent of Wakatobi National Park every month to visit. The goal is to see, and calculate the increase in sea turtle populations around the island.

Before the National Parks Conservation pegawas Wakatobi improve surveillance around the coral reefs of Wakatobi, bullies often come from outside Wakatobi conduct fishing using explosives. Some even dare to anesthesia with a compressor.

They dive down to rock bottom crack spreads and kills fish and other marine biota. As a result of these actions, damaged coral reefs. The fish are not yet harvested dead fish exposed to anesthesia.

According to Shiva, Runduma Village residents, who do pengembomam, anesthesia and poaching of turtle eggs and at the same time is a citizen penyunya outside Runduma Island.

"But our citizens who are often accused Runduma do it all. But not us, but the outsiders who came to destroy coral reefs," said Shiva.

In order for turtle populations remain well preserved on the island Runduma, Regent Wakatobi, Hugua, continued to improve surveillance, monitoring both the Wakatobi National Park, relevant technical agencies and community groups who have received coaching.

It turned out that supervision is not the only effective way to sustainability of coral reefs is maintained until the marine biota remain multiply well, approach the local culture more effectively, which also Hugua said neighborhood activist.

The Regent who had seen how the turtle laying eggs in sand Runduma Island, said that the turtle has a unique way to trick the act ignorant hands. For example, turtles lay their eggs by digging the sand, the turtle walk a few yards and then remove traces his feet.

500 Type

Wakatobi has more than 500 types of coral reefs, spread the "atoll" the world's longest reach 47 kilometers. In general, the dominating species of coral reef ecosystems in this region is Acropora spp and Porites spp. Life is beautiful marine biota. The fish are almost not found in other waters in Indonesia, even in any country can be found in the Wakatobi.

"Sea hourse", frog fish, Napoleon fish, the fish most expensive in the world can still be found on the sidelines of the coral reefs of Wakatobi.

Attention to the coral reefs of Wakatobi not only local government but has attracted worldwide attention. By the World Bank disbursed the budget through the Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program (Coremap) has reached tens of billions of rupiah.

Head of Fisheries and Marine Sultra, Askabul Kijo said, the preservation of coral reefs requires the attention of all parties. The presence of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to conserve coral reefs and marine biota assist local governments, said Askabul.

Visitors who want to enjoy the tour in a large group of four islands in the Wakatobi (Wanci, Kaledupa, Tomia and Binongko) can use several alternatives. Travelers can use the investor's air transporasi tour Mr. Onemobaa Island Lorens. Air transport is the only one who can reach the Wakatobi. They even had to through Ngurah Rai airport, Denpasar. Cost to reach dozens of million rupiah.

Can also be by sea, the boat ride from Kendari quick to City Baubau then use timber ships to the Port of Wangi-Wangi. Cost around Rp800 thousand round trip (PP). It is relatively expensive, but it will pay off with beautiful panorama tunua offered Rundama.


Agustus 27, 2009

Prayer Japanese Tourists in the Land of Papua

Biak, Papua, keep the main attraction for Japanese tourists. A number of tourists visiting the country frequently Sakura Biak and did worship there. Japan had ever made history in the area of Indonesia's eastern tip. Thousands of Japanese soldiers had fight with the American-led allied forces in Papua during World War II. One witness the death of the Japanese army in Papua is a cave called the Cave of Japan.

Paray beach beauty also keeps records of the dark wartime past. Bitter memories of the history of the Japanese in Papua enshrined in the form of monuments in Paray beach.

Japanese Cave

When occupied Indonesia, Japan take advantage of natural caves in the Biak area as a hiding place, protection, and weapons storage. One cave is known as the Cave where the defense of Japan is very strong and difficult to penetrate the Allied Forces.

To disable cave, allied forces under General MacArthur dropped the drums of fuel that fired from the air. No less than 3,000 Japanese soldiers killed were buried in the cave.

Japanese Cave is located in the Village Sumberker, only about 3 miles west of Biak Numfor City. Local community was called cave called "abiyau binzar" which means old woman. According to legend, an old woman living in the cave before the Japanese troops arrived and used it as a war of defense base.

Monument Paray

Furthermore, not far from there, only about 2 kilometers from Goa, Japan, on the edge of the beach Paray, the Government of Indonesia and Japan set up a monument to World War II. The monument was built on March 24, 1994 was a symbolic reminder of how the war was so cruel to destroy the dignity of humanity and cruelty that should not happen again.

Architectural monuments designed by Hiroshi Ogawa a unique display. A dome-like shell, stretched to three sets umbrella table with chairs. In front of this dome symmetrically lined up 12 blocks of marble. On the monument there is a winding alley. The hall was once a natural cave hideout and base of the Japanese defense.

Three sets of tables under the dome and rows of marble stones on the beach is a symbol of military command. Meanwhile, the small hall is a symbol of a hidden army forces in the natural caves in the Biak area.

Paray beach between 1919 and 1945 it became the center of the Japanese trading activities in Papua. During World War II it served as a military base. In Japan this beach had scrawled a history of Indonesian territory.


Periodically, especially in the holiday season, there's always the Japanese tourists who come to the second place. They are not just a vacation, but also pray for the souls of soldiers who died in battle. Usually they come and pray at night carrying a candle.

Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Travel Biak John Yanwarin admitted, the remaining historical tourist World War II, which is owned Biak is now the main attraction of tourists visiting Japan to Biak.

The purpose of Japanese tourists visit, said John, most of the worshipers to recall victims of World War II. "Two cave sites and monuments of war Japan's most frequently visited by Japanese tourists to Japan to commemorate the victims of religious sites of World War II," he said.

Based on the data of Culture and Tourism Biak, since the last five years, dominated the Japanese tourists visiting foreign tourists in Biak.


Agustus 24, 2009

Rare Animals in Tanjung Putting National Park

National Park Tanjung Putting West Kotawaringin (Kobar), Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kalimantan) is the object of many mainstay tourism tourists visited (foreign tourists).

Tanjung Putting has some type of ecosystem that consists of tropical rain forest lowlands, dry land forest, freshwater swamp forests, mangrove forests, coastal forests and secondary forests.
This region was dominated by lowland forest plants such as jelutung (Dyera costulata), ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), meranti (Shorea sp.), Keruing (Dipterocarpus sp.), And rattan.

Type of endemic and endangered species found in protected forests of Tanjung Putting include the orangutan (Pongo satyrus), proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus), red leaf monkey (Presbytis rubicunda rubida), and bears (Helarctos malayanus euryspilus).

Tanjung Putting is the first location of Indonesia as the orangutan rehabilitation center. There are three locations for the rehabilitation of orangutans at Tanjung Harapan, Pondok Tanggui, and Camp Leakey.

Borneo Orangutans have reddish hair was dark and did not have a tail. In line with the growth of age, adult males develop to form a bearing on the cheek. The older, bigger cheek pads so that his face seemed sinister.

Tanjung Putting Reserve UNESCO as biosphere in the year 1977 and is the Sister Park with the country of Malaysia.

Some locations or objects of interest to visit such as Cape of Good Hope, is the first station in the process of rehabilitation of orangutans. This location is located in secondary forest and swamp forests are equipped with guest house, the center trail and road information.

Another object Pondok Tanggui, orangutans there could still be observed in a closed and avoid contact with humans.

Camp Leakey, founded in 1971, located in primary forest and is home of some of the half-wild orangutans to the wild and from new born to age three years.


Agustus 20, 2009

Visit to Yogyakarta? Wait for October!

Malioboro is one of the icons of Yogyakarta. A busy road by cadger always be the goal for tourist to visit to Yogyakarta. Well, if you have any plans to visit to the city of gudeg , wait until October. Provincial Government of Yogyakarta plan for the Malioboro Festival in October. This event is expected to become a tourist attraction for visit Yogyakarta.

"For that, this must be supported by many parties, including the stakeholders in the tourism area," said Tourism Office Marketing Province Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Ferida Vita in Yogyakarta, on Wednesday (19 / 8).

Festival held Malioboro Yogyakarta Tourism Department, and according to her, will not only presents the cultural attractions and music performance along Jalan Malioboro street, but also the work shop, workshops and seminars with the theme "The Past Malioboro and the Future."

She admitted, the area of Malioboro plateau every day vehicles and as a busy business center in the city, thus become a attraction for tourists who visit Yogyakarta.

Do not forget, there are many culinary dish including 'jajan market' (typical snack market) and craft products. There are also Pagelaran stage entertainment and carnival.

To the future, she said, Malioboro Festival is expected to become a tourism icon for the new City of Yogyakarta and the Province of DIY. "Cost of selling the name of the Malioboro tourism is very profitable, not only for tourists but also for the private sector tourism management services," she said.


Agustus 18, 2009

Exotism of Mentawai

A number of the yeast beds saved in uma or custom house in the Mentawai Butui, South Siberut, Mentawai Islands regency, West Sumatra. The existence of the ware is very light compared with uma other content, such as the skull of animals and cooking equipment are all made of Mentawai.

"The beds for the tourists. They also who buy, as well as other goods such as bags," said Aman Jazali, a Sikerei that stay in traditional house. Sikerei is a traditional ceremony leader.

According Jazali, almost every week there are foreign tourists, usually from the United States and Europe to stay in the uma. There are two attractions in there: a life of its own exotic Mentawai tribes and enjoy the flow of river Butui that clear and surrounded by white sand and rocks in front of the uma.

Butui's exotism is still in the beautiful way to achieve, namely increased pompong-engine boat with a wood-paste for about 4 hours from Muara Siberut, the capital of south Siberut Selatan, the Village Madobag. From Madobag, walk about 1.5 hours to go through the forest uma.

While Muara Siberut can be on board with the moto-bike for 10-12 hours from Padang, West Sumatra.

Mentawai Exotism

The presence of foreign tourists make this Jazali obtain a sizable income for each group of ordinary give the money before leaving. In addition, also make them less able to speak Indonesian, English, and count.

"During your stay, a guide and a foreign tourist is often taught me and also the family, said that never Jazali of school. Meanwhile, the third son is now studying in the school forest managed a monk because formal schools are far from umanya.

The presence of foreign tourists also make a number of places in the Mentawai ditumbuhi luxury resort, especially in the coastal area that has good waves for surfing. In the resort rich tourist enjoy the Mentawai eksotisme which consists of 213 islands as well as for surfing.

Waves in the Mentawai Islands, surfing by various organizations is the best third-universal after Hawaii and Tahiti.

In the Mentawai, surfing is usually done on the island Nyangnyang, Coral Majat, Masilok, Botik, and Mainuk. Peak of tourist visits in the months of July and August. When the height of waves in the Mentawai reaches 7 meters.

"The island is beautiful. I will come here again, "said Andrea, tourists from Italy, who visited the Mentawai for one week.


Agustus 14, 2009

Sanur Village Festival, Fun August in the Beach

Throughout this week, touring the area on the island of Bali Dewata, Bali, full of fun. Since yesterday, Wednesday (12 / 8), Sanur Village Festival (SVF) was held for the fourth time. Held a special party for the tourists at the beach Mertasari in the area of four hectares.

This year, the SVF theme of "Marine Life". Theme of this platform in accordance with the Visit Indonesia 2009, the Cruise, Marine and MICE. The event will end Sunday (16 / 8) this will spoil the jazz music, beach sports, yoga, and lovers of culinary tourism.

This event is a variety show with Golf Tournaments prize 2 cars, Asian Beach Games, professional fishing competitions, Performing Arts Arts & instalation, Cartoon Festival, Jazz Festival, Food Festival, Bazaar Food Heritage, Culinary Challenge, Photo Rally & Photo Contest, Seawalker & Coral Plantation, Cultural Parade, Fun Games, yoga mass followed 2000 participants, and a variety of activities-based environment, such as mangrove planting, turtle release, the campaign to clean the beach, and so forth.

This event is open to anyone who came to Bali. Various games and contests with exciting prizes multiformity interesting, ranging from cash millions of rupiah, VOUCER hotel, VOUCER sail on a yacht, to a variety of other interesting prizes abstinence missed. For the culinary lover and the Shopaholic, SVF will spoil your taste and pocket the discount of the entire festival boutique outlets and restaurants entire area of Sanur, and the rates for the various menu options in the area of food Food Festival.

There's more. Visit the white tents in front of the main stage. There is culinary festival in progress. Enjoy a variety of confectionery accompanied breezy beach attractions and entertainment stage will be a holiday experience that impressive.


Agustus 11, 2009

Come to be Part of Manado Festival Society 2009

If you have vacation plans to Manado, North Sulawesi, in the near future, the time range between 12 to 22 August is a great time. On that date, the partying. There is international maritime activities Sail Bunaken and Manado or party people Manado Fair.

As one of the efforts to support implementation of the Sail Bunaken and Manado promoting tourism, 20 hotels in Manado North Sulawesi Manado will held event the fair on 21 and 22 August 2009.

"Program will be held along the road from the Sudirman perempatan red light Sudirman, until perempatan road Sarapung," said Chairman of the Executive Committee Manado Fair, Deny Jatmika, in Manado last week.

Jatmika add this event will be held starting at 17:00 until 24.00 and will present the various events, among others, sing a song competition Minahasa typical song "Si Patokaan", also have a special competition for the hotel and other employees.

For this event, plus Jatmika, akan built 60 tents that can involve many participants from various circles in Manado, including medium and small businesses a number of designers Manado, because the fashion show will be created.

Jatmika also add Manado fair this effort will identical to Manado, and became an annual event in the North Sulawesi provincial capital of this, that can bring tourists to a minimum domestic.

Meanwhile, Vice Chairman of the Committee, Dino Antonio, describes the event held to support the tourism Sulut, and arouse a sense of Sulut for more love and respect the area of natural wealth, especially under the sea.

"We want the diving activities that do not only done by outsiders but also by all people of North Sulawesi Manado especially more so love the sea," he said.

This event is clearly Dino gets full support from the government because of Manado and North Sulawesi can be an annual event that will make the Manado known world and could bring as many tourists, for the benefit of local residents.

Sail Bunaken 2009 is a series of international maritime activities. The event will take place in the city of Manado and Bitung on 12-20 August 2009. Agenda main activity is the International Fleet Review 2009 (IFR'09) that the ships and war ships from the high of each of the Navy of 30 countries

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Agustus 10, 2009

Humbold Bay, Bay in Bay

Humbold Bay or the more famous people with the name Bay nusantara Yos Sudarso, rich tourism potential. The potential of tourism in the bay, from the seabed, beaches, mangrove trees, protected forest and the animals there, very interesting to visit.

There also natural phenomena that are not found in other areas, namely in the Bay Humbold Bay Yotefa still there, by the people of Jayapura is often called the 'bay in the Bay'.

In addition, there there is a protected forest which made the garden tour Yotefa. "At around Bay Humbold most people living Numbay Port (Jayapura-red). They live in the village of Wood Stone, Wood Island, Tobati, Enggros, Holte Kamp, Nafri, and the Village of Skow, with most of the livelihoods of fishermen," said Mayor of Jayapura, MR Kambu.

He explains, Port Numbay people who inhabit coastal bays has Humbold culture and customs that are unique, such as the custom house, engraving art, dance, and inauguration ceremony wedding family chieftain (Ondo AFI), and the event kedukaannya. "This is also potentially be developed as cultural tourism," he said.

Therefore, MR Kambu ask the mutual synergies between the community and the government in maintaining the property's potential for tourism. "This is all the grace of the Creator that we must guard and lestarikan," said MR Kambu.


Agustus 05, 2009

Mosquitoes Theaters will Open in the Pangandaran

So far area of Pangandaran, Ciamis, West Java, popular with tourist beach. But, presently, this area will show the interesting things other than the beach.
"Mosquitoes Theater is a scientific tour to support the training of Health (Litbangkes) integrate learning with sciene, art and health," said Central Head District Ciamis, Sugianto in Bandung, on Tuesday (4 / 8).

That unique tourism are categorized as special interest tourism object. According to the plan in Theaters Mosquitoes will shown that all types of mosquitoes that live in Indonesia.

In addition, the vehicle is a scientific tour will also be equipped with supporting facilities insektarium, laboratory entomologi, parasitology and virologi. Library and plant anti-malaria drugs and mosquito repellent (Tompen).

"Facilities offered is building Cinema, multimedia room, Museuum service center and related research and the various specialty types of mosquitoes in India," said Sugianto.

Buildings and facilities Mosquitoes Theater was built over three budget years since 2006 to 2008 on the land area of 2000 square meters. Building plan that will be inaugurated by West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan H on 20 August 2009 to come.

Activities carried out in the Theater Mosquitoes are essentially promotional because it can provide information to improve the behavior of healthy living, especially related to prevention of the disease they are animals.

"In addition to promotional element also contains instructive, which is packed so that the entertainment element of entrepreneurship can provide economic value because it has both for the public, private and government," said Sugianto.

Sugianto said, the goal of Theater Mosquito to provide new variants tour in Ciamis regency, embank love to science for students as early as possible and establish a network of research both at the local, national or international.

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Agustus 03, 2009

7 Tips to the Place that Language You don't Know

What do you do when visiting or residing in the language that you do not know?. For a wanderer, not a matter of language constraints large. With a number of tips, the adventurous can visit the places that they do not understand the language and gain valuable experience. share their tips below. Hopefully also useful for you.

1. Bring paper

I usually take the index card (or write the list on the back cover dictionary or your guide book) words that usually I will see in a board, especially words that the opposite, such as: entry-exit, top-down out - entry; push-pull; wait-go. "

2. Back to school

Sign up to the language course at a language institute in your area. I studied Italian for 9 months in my area several years ago and learned so many things. Then, you can continue listening to the tapes. Courses will be very help you understand how the grammar and formed sentences.

3. Always smiling

Remember that the smile is always understood in all languages. Many people (especially young people) can speak English, and will be happy to try to speak with you in English if you try to use the words please and thank you in the local language."

4. Know basic phrases-phrases

I always strive to understand the 50-100 word in the language of the country used to be my visit. Especially phrases-phrases such as' where ...', 'please ...',' thank you ',' sorry, I'm not clever speaking ...'

5. Eat at local restaurants

For the food, avoid restaurants that use two languages as it is usually the place for the tourist traps that offer only foods that do not feel the price is expensive. Look for a menu that can interpret for you, and you will get the food more delicious and more authentic.

6. Do not hesitate ask for help

I also know how to say 'What it's call here, or how you say it in your language ...' so I can refer to things and people akan local vocabulary to teach me a new one. I also say 'please write to me', ask someone write a new word.

7. Make learning the language so the purpose of your trip.

Luck a few years in night school once a week, and finally surrendered to learn foreign languages. Intensive two-week trip really opened my eyes. I do not make a big step in the 'formal learning'. However, after a few days, I no longer nervous when speaking in the language. For me, this is a tremendous progress.
