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Indonesia Land: Swimming With Crocodiles in Safari Water Park

Indonesia Land

Oktober 03, 2009

Swimming With Crocodiles in Safari Water Park

Visitors Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) Cisarua, Bogor, now felt a new sensation when visiting this place is swimming with alligators. Vehicle that had just opened right on Idul Fitri holiday, Sunday (20 / 9), it is part of the Safari Water Park.

Here, visitors can swim while watching doings of two estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) in the glass cage. According to Julius, Taman Safari Indonesia Public of Relation of Cisarua Bogor, Safari Water Park 2 hectares of the theme is environmental friendly vehicles beautiful play. Visitors will be treated to a swimming pool with shades in the foothills.

Besides swimming with alligators, swim with linsang (Aonyx cinerea) and witnessed ornamental fish aquarium is another unique offer while swimming at Safari Water Park. Here, visitors are also free to choose the five swimming pools are available complete with a game in each pond.

To enjoy the Safari Water Park, dibanderol visitors can pay an entrance fee only $2.5 per person. Julius added, in Safari Water Park visitors can also enjoy the facilities pendapa enjoy the natural atmosphere of the mountains.


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